Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Focus On Kara

I always get upset when I read or witness acts of cruelty towards animals. It makes me cry sometimes. But recently, an article warmed my heart and made me smile again. Please read the article on Kara, my very special doggie friend. She was left with fatal injuries by a road accident years ago, leaving her paralysed. Poor Kara suffers from urine/ bowel incontinence and she has to wear a diaper as her hind legs don't function anymore. Thank God for the wonderful souls at ASD (Action For Singapore Dogs) as they not only managed to rescue her and take her to a vet, but they also got her adopted!

Kara's owner, Ms. Felicia Choo, is really a maganimous human being with a heart of gold and she loves Kara unconditionally despite Kara's disabilities. It is people like Ms. Choo that keeps doggies like us going and it is people like her who gives us hope that there are still good people around and that has kept our faith in humankind intact. There was a point of time (as a battered stray) when I had lost all hope in humans. Sharon restored my faith back in humankind. I think Kara must be feeling the same way about her owner too! God bless Kara and Ms. Choo! God bless Sharon too!!


Jay 9:49 am  

The story touched my owner too. Kara deserves all the love in the world, because she is special!

Jay 1:58 pm  

Brownie, I've tagged you. Visit my blog for more details. Have fun!

Brownie Roo the Brown Monster 1:34 pm  

Hello Jay, I visited your blog.

Wow, you look young for a 15 year old! I am glad you are doing well.

Your party rocks! I never get to eat mooncakes (except for that time I stole a piece of the table)!

Lotsa licks
Brownie Roo

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